I really needed to focus inward and switch off from everything Renee BradfieldJuly 26, 2023homebirth, waterbirth, physiological third stage
I remember walking around eating snacks saying I could not believe I just gave birth – I felt great! Renee BradfieldApril 3, 2023physiological third stage, prodromal labour, second birth
I've walked out of birth feeling like a total rockstar. I am beyond proud of how in control I was Renee BradfieldFebruary 28, 2023waterbirth, family birth centre, encaul, physiological third stage
I would always joke about how my pain threshold is pretty much non existent Renee BradfieldNovember 14, 2022family birth centre, physiological third stage, waterbirth
I was adamant I wouldn’t be giving birth on my back this time / Emmalea Renee BradfieldNovember 18, 2021physiological third stage
The midwife told me baby had been born en caul / Stephanie Renee BradfieldAugust 17, 2021physiological third stage
The birth was such a non-event. The most perfect ordinary day / Renee Renee BradfieldSeptember 24, 2020homebirth, VBAC, private midwife, HBAC, physiological third stage, encaul
Laura, Family Birth Centre, Drug Free Water Birth Renee BradfieldApril 24, 2020waterbirth, physiological third stage, family birth centre
Tamara, accidental homebirth Renee BradfieldOctober 24, 2019big baby, physiological third stage, family birth centre, accidental homebirth, homebirth, second birth
Renee, VBAC, drug free, episiotomy, physiological third stage Renee BradfieldJune 24, 2018physiological third stage, VBAC