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Do you want to feel excited, educated and positive about your birth?

Take Australia’s fastest growing childbirth education course

right here in Perth, WA!

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An empowering, calm, birthing experience for mum, baby and birth partner

Hypnobirthing Australia™ is a modern, down-to-earth, independent childbirth program that’ll give you and your birth companion the tools for a positive and supportive experience, whatever turns your birth may take.

Whatever your circumstances, we offer a learning option that’ll suit you.


Hello, I’m Amy

I’m a mother, teacher, and Hypnobirthing Practitioner Childbirth Educator.

I grew up in Perth and studied education at ECU in Mount Lawley. I went on to become a secondary English teacher and have loved teaching in high schools here in Perth for the past 16 years.
When I became pregnant with my first baby, I had no real idea about the kind of birth I wanted or what to expect. Does labour hurt? Should I have a natural birth? What if I need a c-section? How can my partner help me in labour? Then my sister-in-law told me about hypnobirthing! And my next question was: What is hypnobirthing?
So after a bit of research, my partner and I signed up for hypnobirthing group classes! There we were taught all about what to expect during pregnancy and labour, what our options were, and the many practical ways my partner could support me during labour and beyond.

I went on to have a beautiful water birth at the Family Birthing Centre in Subiaco, using all of the knowledge and tools we had learnt in our hypnobirthing classes. And when I was having my second baby, I knew I wanted to do it all over again. After a refresher hypnobirthing course, my partner and I felt prepared and confident again and I went on to have another calm and positive birth, this time at King Edward Memorial Hospital under the care of midwives.

After that, I couldn’t stop talking about hypnobirthing to anyone who’d listen! And I couldn't wait to become a Hypnobirthing Practitioner so that I could share my experiences and knowledge with other expecting parents in Perth and spread the word about the wonders of hypnobirthing.

Women are amazing. Birth is a natural and amazing process and it should be free of fear. It can and should be a beautiful, empowering experience. While pregnancy and labour can take many twists and turns, my hypnobirthing classes give birthing mothers and their birth partners the tools that will help them achieve their positive birth.

I am so grateful for having my two “hypnobubs” and being able to birth the way I wanted. I am passionate about helping other birthing women and their partners feel empowered and excited about their birthing day and beyond.

I can't wait to meet you and help you achieve your amazing birth!


How can Hypnobirthing help you?

Hypnobirthing techniques for calm, supported, empowered and positive births.


What The Birth Space clients are saying

Amy is a fabulous teacher, she leads the hypnobirth course in such a welcoming and safe way. We left feeling more knowledgeable and empowered as first time parents but would recommend to all expecting parents.
— Karla and Wayne
We really enjoyed the course and feel prepared for our birth. We highly recommend this course to all soon to be parents
— Jen and James
I was wanting to come out of this course feeling like I had a sense of control over my labour and birthing process. I lacked so much knowledge about birth and wanted to equip myself as much as possible. I also wanted to make sure my husband felt comfortable and had the tools to work with me as we both team’ed up to birth our baby. After doing Amy’s course, we got all this and more. My husband and I feel confident knowing that we have what we need to navigate any birthing situation that meets us. Highly recommend this course and Amy is such an engaging, fun and knowledgeable teacher
— Ari and Jacob
Renee is absolutely fantastic! She has gone above and beyond to help me get to a great headspace for the pending birth of my first baby. I feel so educated and ready for what is ahead! I highly recommend The Birth Space!!! Truly opened mine and my husband’s eyes to how calm, happy and exciting birth can be!!! It took away all of my fears and anxiety!
— Kelsey
Amy’s hypnobirthing class was fantastic! Her passion and personal birth stories made the sessions engaging and reassuring.

The techniques we learned, like relaxation and breathing exercises, were practical and easy to follow. Amy’s support and emphasis on partner involvement boosted our confidence for the birth. It really helped us as a couple to navigate our choices.

Amy also took into consideration the individual challenges in my pregnancy and made suggestions accordingly, which was very thoughtful of her. My only regret is not taking her classes earlier in my pregnancy.

Highly recommend her classes!
— Ceren and Grant

What is hypnobirthing?

And how can it help during labour and birth?

Hypnobirthing Australia™ is a modern and down to earth independent childbirth program that will give you and your birth companion the tools to have a positive and supportive experience, whatever turn your birth may take. We teach relaxation, breathing, massage, acupressure and self-hypnosis techniques which give you the confidence to allow your body and mind to relax so you can birth your baby gently and without fear. The course includes recent evidence and facts from some of Australia’s leading childbirth experts so you know you’re getting the most up to date information.

Evidence shows that labour progresses well in an undisturbed birth and when we feel safe and supported. In this fast-paced world with our ever-increasing busy lives, we have lost the ability to truly relax and let go. By achieving a deep relaxation during birth, this allows our body's hormones to take over without any resistance letting our natural endorphins to be released for a positive, and often pain free birth experience.

A recent study found that women who had completed an independent childbirth program more than halved the use of epidural analgesia and almost halved the caesarean section rate which is amazing when you consider more than 30% of women use epidural analgesia and the caesarean rate is over 30% in Australia.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a childbirth process that focuses on preparing parents for a gentle physiological birth.

In hypnobirthing classes, you will learn techniques such as deep relaxation, visualisation, affirmation, breathing and self-hypnosis. These are designed to enhance your birth experience. Hypnobirthing encourages a calm, peaceful, and natural pregnancy, birth, and bonding experience for families.

Our course is based on the most recent evidence from leading Researchers, Childbirth Educators, Midwives, Obstetricians and Professors from Australia and the world.

I’m nervous, scared, worried and anxious about the upcoming birth of my baby. How can hypnobirthing help?

You and your birth partner will learn all about birth; what your body is doing throughout and how you can remain calm and in control.

The tools you learn in your Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes can reduce any fear or worries you may have and make your pregnancy more enjoyable. You and your birth partner will feel educated, empowered and excited for your birthing day.

I’m not worried about birth and labour but want to know how I can make birth a beautiful, calm, positive experience.

Hypnobirthing helps you to navigate having your baby in your chosen model of care with decision making techniques and great questions to ask your care provider when faced with interventions. We teach tools to help you remain calm and relaxed during labour but we also have lots of practical tools too. For example, how you can make a hospital room more comfortable to assist with relaxation.


My Partner says it all sounds a bit hippy. How can I convince him otherwise?

Giving birth is a memorable achievement. You will remember your baby's birth day FOREVER!

You want to put as much emphasis on your birth as you would when buying a house or car, or organising your wedding. Using Hypnosis during pregnancy and labour isn't new. In fact, many mothers have been using hypnotic tools for decades but are either unaware or taught under a different name. While the basis of our course includes hypnosis, there are many other tools you’ll learn to help during labour including visualisation, massage and acupressure.

Your birth partner will leave our course feeling inspired, empowered and ready to support you in labour.

Is Hypnobirthing suitable if I am planning a VBAC?

Yes! In fact, I myself have had a VBAC so know exactly the emotions you're going through in your journey. This course will absolutely help you try to achieve your vaginal birth. You can also see my top 10 tips for a successful VBAC here.

Can Hypnobirthing still help me if I end up with a caesarean?

Absolutely! I had an emergency caesaerean for my first birth and was able to use the breathing techniques I had learnt while on the operating table. I still use the techniques from time to time when in stressful situations or when I can't get to sleep.